OUR Mission


REACH, Inc. promotes literacy for children throughout Coastal Virginia through access and ownership of books.


Get Involved

Every day, REACH, Inc. supports children throughout Coastal Virginia with literacy enrichment resources and programs.

Studies continue to prove that the number of books in the home provide an important foundation for reading and directly impact a child’s future success. REACH’s literacy programs help children who are at-risk and homeless beat the odds of living in poverty through future academic achievement. Our goal is to continue meeting the regional priorities of improving access to literacy and education for children ages 0-17, especially those living at or below the Federal poverty level.

In 2024, REACH distributed over 151,000 books valued at $1,700,000.


Our Why

Students who do not read proficiently by the 3rd grade are 4 times likelier to drop out of school.

2/3 of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of 4th grade will end up in jail or on welfare

On average, children in economically depressed communities have 0-2 age-appropriate books in their homes.

Children from lower-income homes have limited access to books, leading to fewer home and preschool language and literacy opportunities for preschoolers from low-income families.